Poor oral health continues among Australians - report

The document says that despite improvements over the last 20-30 years, there is still evidence of poor oral health among Australians:
• More than 90% of adults and 40% of young children have experienced tooth decay at some stage in their life.
• Three-out-of-10 adults have untreated tooth decay.
• Only four-out-of-10 Australian adults (39%) have a favourable visiting pattern, i.e. seeing a dentist once a year for a check-up, rather than waiting to treat poor oral health.
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and adults who are socially disadvantaged or on low incomes have more than double the rate of poor oral health their counterparts experience.
• People with additional or specialised health care needs or those living in regional and remote areas find it more difficult to access oral health care.
The goal of Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives: Australia’s National Oral Health Plan 2015–2024 is to improve health and well-being across the population by improving oral health status and reducing the burden of poor oral health.
The ADA Inc.'s Australian Dental Health Plan proposes funding and service delivery arrangements by which to achieve improved oral health outcomes for needy Australians.
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