Save the date: Public Dentistry Forum 19 Feb 2016

Venue: ADAVB offices, Level 3, 10 Yarra Street, South Yarra
Time: 6.30pm
All dentists, employed either part time or full time in the public/community sector, are invited to attend, including any dentists with an interest in public dentistry.
This will be a fantastic opportunity to:
- network with colleagues
- meet and hear from the ADAVB Public Dentistry Committee chair and members
- meet representatives from Professionals Australia (PA), and hear more about the ADAVB/PA Alliance.
Register online or contact Roula Papatheodorou at the ADAVB on 8825 4600 or via email: by the 12 February.
For further details about the alliance and our advocacy work please visit the advocacy page on our website:
Public Dentistry Advocacy Activities
FAQs on the new ADAVB/PA Alliance
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