Introduce smoke-free outdoor dining, health bodies urge Government

Along with 13 organisations, the Branch has signed a consensus statement supporting the action. The statement warns that a possible loophole in the legislation may allow venues to ban people from eating in outdoor areas, thereby having the unintended consequence of promoting alcohol consumption without food in outside areas where smoking is allowed. This has happened in NSW.
The organisations called on the Government to adopt the Queensland model which makes both outdoor dining and drinking areas smoke-free.
The document says: “The vast majority of Victorians and tens of thousands of visitors to our State expect to be able to enjoy a meal or a drink outdoors without being exposed to toxic and unpleasant smoke. Our hospitality staff – who have no choice but to work in these areas – deserve to be protected from workplace dangers irrespective of whether they are serving a meal or a drink. And none of us want our children to see smoking as an acceptable part of socialising outdoors”.
The other organisations who signed the statement are: Cancer Council Victoria, AMA Victoria, Quit Victoria, Australian Health Promotion Association (Victoria), Asthma Foundation Victoria, Heart Foundation Victoria, Parents’ Voice, Australian Drug Foundation, Public Health Association Australia Vic Branch, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Victorian Regional Committee, United Voice Victoria, Stroke Foundation, and Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.
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