Monday, January 21, 2013

Clarification on re-registration of dental practitioners

The Dental Board of Australia has told ADA Inc. that it inadvertently provided the wrong closing date for dental practitioners registration renewals. On DBA’s notification, ADA Inc. told members that if dental practitioners did not renew by the close of business on 31 January 2013 they would be removed from the national register. The Board now says that the date should have read 31 December 2012.
Dental practitioners who did not renew by 31 December have had their names removed from the national register. For those who wish to continue practising, a fast track re-registration system is operating.
The fast track process is only available until 31 January. A fast track application fee is payable in addition to a registration fee. Dental practitioners who submit a fast track application cannot practice until their registration has been approved and the online public register is updated