Dentists support LiveLighter Campaign

LiveLighter Victoria has launched their latest ad campaign which highlights the serious health effects of regular sugary drink consumption.
Instead of reaching for a sugary drink, follow these tips:
- Avoid going down the soft drink aisle at the supermarket and beware of the specials at the checkout and service stations.
- If you're eating out, don't go with the default soft drink – see what other options there are, or just ask for water.
- Carry a water bottle, so you don't have to buy a drink if you're thirsty.
- Be wary of health or nutrition claims on drinks. Producers try to make their beverages sound healthier than they are, so check the amount of sugar on the nutrition panel and consider the size of the bottle.
- In addition to the effects of sugary drinks on general health, they also cause damage to your teeth.
- Tap water is a great choice instead of a sugary drink. It’s good for your health, and it’s cheap.
- Good oral health is an important part of overall general health, ADAVB is therefore very supportive of the LiveLighter Campaign.
Find out how much sugar you’re drinking with this handy online calculator.
Information sourced from
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