Include a dental appointment in your back to school checklist

Dr Peter Alldritt, Chair of the ADA's Oral Health Committee, said, “Early detection of any dental issues arising will reduce the extent of the problem and avoid later possible extensive care. A visit to the dentist is also an opportunity to be updated about how the family can best take care of their dental health”.
Families who are eligible for Medicare and receive Family Tax Benefit Part A could be entitled to receive $1,000 (over two consecutive calendar years) in assistance toward each child’s dental treatment as part of the Australian Government’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
Parents whose children play sport should also ask their dentist about custom fitted mouthguards, or have current mouthguards reviewed, to ensure maximum protection against dental and facial injuries.
More information
ADA Inc. Media Release 7/1/2016
Eligibility for Child Dental Benefits Schedule
Mouthguard awareness
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