Act now to reverse decline in oral health services - National Oral Health Alliance

The National Oral Health Alliance (NOHA) has called on Federal, State and Territory Governments to take urgent action to reverse the decline in oral health services in Australia.
NOHA spokesperson Tony McBride said: “Oral health is a crucial component of overall health and well-being, but many Australians are unable to access affordable and preventive oral health care. This situation has worsened in the past two-three years as Federal Government support for dental services for Australians has declined. The resulting blow-outs in public waiting lists are leaving more Australians without any real options for oral health care".
He said that 23% of adults in major cities and 37% in remote areas have untreated tooth decay. These figures will increase as access to services drops, leaving Australia among the worst performers in the OECD when it comes to oral health. "We would never treat our feet this way," Mr McBride added.
NOHA is also concerned that the Federal Government is considering withdrawing from the successful Child Dental Benefits Schedule that has provided bulk-billed dental care to 30% of eligible children.
Mr McBride said: "If governments jointly commit to act on this issue, the current situation can be reversed. This could be achieved through the National Oral Health Plan, developed by COAG to build on our current resources to address key areas of need".
The Australian Dental Association is a member of NOHA.
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